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Tulsa Technology Center-Lemley

Heather Mannas

Tulsa Area United Way


Tulsa Technology Center-Lemley


Tulsa, Oklahoma

Services Provided


Overview of Project

ES2 proudly provided the test and balance for a four-floor new construction building at Tulsa Technology Center-Lemley. For this project, we performed TAB services on ten air handling units, 223 VAV boxes with reheat, 950 grills, five energy recovery ventilators, 20 airflow measuring stations, nine fan coil units, nine exhaust fans, nine unit heaters, two chillers, three boilers, six pumps, two cooling towers, and one plate and frame heat exchanger.

Our Tulsa TAB Team used Evergreen Telemetry Flowhoods to measure the airflow and air pressures, and they used a Shortridge Technologies water meter to measure the water flow and pressures. They also used a Micronics Ultrasonic Meter to determine GPM where test ports were not available. In order to calibrate the VAV boxes, our team used a Johnson Controls VAV handheld device. This tool allows the tech to verify the VAV box parameters and to calibrate the box for efficiency.

Our technicians proportioned all supply air grills and set the outside air within 10% of design. In order to TAB the AHUs they verified the CFM and proportioned the trunk lines according to design, and they set the exhaust fans and fan coil units for total design CFM. They also calibrated the entering and leaving pressures on the boilers, chillers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers for greatest efficiency.

The test and balance process for this building was complex due to the design of the HVAC systems and how they feed multiple floors. Our TAB team found that most of the equipment fans, including the exhaust, were running in reverse rotation, so we worked with the mechanical contractor to resolve the issue. We also helped identify supply air grill that still needed to be installed in order to complete the project.

We appreciated this opportunity to contribute to a comfortable and healthy learning environment for Tulsa Technology Center’s students. After ES2 completed the test and balance, the facilities manager expressed how well the HVAC system worked and that it reduced the overall energy consumption of the building.



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