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Global [X] Digital Bitcoin Mining Facility Case Study

ES2 Marketing

Tulsa Area United Way


L5 Construction


Oklahoma City, OK

Services Provided


Overview of Project

ES2 helped design and develop the facility concept for the premier US-based, environmentally conscious, industrial-scale Bitcoin mining and digital asset company, Global [X] Digital, successfully launched their facility operations.

Global [X] Digital sits at the crossroads of technology and finance, building the foundation of the blockchain one transaction at a time. The state-of-the-art, purpose-built mining facilities house the latest generation mining equipment and utilize green energy to power operations. The building requires a control system that must be smart enough to utilize the latest machine learning sequences to adapt to ever-changing ambient conditions and device heat reject loads to ensure critical operating parameters are continuously met. While simultaneously monitoring power consumption and air quality conditions at a rack level of granularity.

In all operations, building performance and measurement is critical. So Global [X] Digital and the design team at FSB Engineering reviewed a hypothetical theory with ES2 to generate a unique Building Automation System design for this mission-critical facility. The project launched with a concept of operations that is now a renewable-powered mining industry benchmark. The system that ES2 knew could deliver the essential operational tools needed is Automated Logics WebCTRL solution. The now six building sites with 320 megawatts of on-site power capacity are monitored with building operations controlled by less than 75 programmed hardware devices, but computing an astonishing 690,000,000 trend samples that assist in control logic sequence and fault detections.

Commissioning a system with no template requires adaptability, expandability, and experienced professionals who can deliver. The startup of the building's mechanical and electrical equipment presented an opportunity for ES2 technical staff to adapt in real-time to phased onboarding and fluctuating loads of the mining devices. Production commenced in building one before the envelope of the 3rd building was finished, requiring the expansion of an operational database without interruption of processes and Automated Logic WebCTRL’s ability to schedule phased downloads across the system network, keeping operations up while adding/adjusting programming logic to new equipment.

Power consumption and demand are in the forefront of any data-related facility design and operation. WebCTRL’s reporting capabilities extracts data from the site's 240 submetering devices that instantaneously monitor over 5,280 individual points of power feed data. This data is organized for operator dashboards and rollup graphic trending displays that help Global [X] Digital make the right decisions for their production operations.

Contact our knowledgeable team members to find out more about our services.

(405) 233-3127



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