Cleveland Public Schools
Cleveland, OK
Services Provided
Overview of Project
ES2 has helped Cleveland Public Schools automate, manage, and improve their campus facilities since 2016.
Through the past eight years of partnership, ES2 has helped the school district integrate seven campus buildings into a single building automation front end with Automated Logic’s WebCtrl. This allows Maintenance and Transportation Director Craig Ellis to monitor and manage his building portfolio on his iPad from anywhere. The automation system also helps the district reduce energy costs. For example, when the Bus Barn’s overhead doors are open, the system automatically shuts off the overhead unit heaters. This reduces energy costs by preventing the heaters from running when the hot air would just flow right out the open doors. Also, WebCtrl’s Environmental Index provides a quick snapshot on one screen, summarizing what portion of HVAC zones across campus have comfortable, satisfied environmental conditions.
In a recent project at the Cleveland Intermediate School, ES2 replaced outdated Viconic thermostats and controllers on 28 split systems, added exhaust fans to the BAS system, and replaced the wiring on a broken communication trunk. Our team worked quickly to complete this project while school was out over Christmas break, and then we provided additional customer training on how to easily adjust temperatures and schedules across multiple buildings at once.
When asked about ES2’s services, Craig Ellis said “I tell others often how good a job they do… ES2 has always responded in a timely manner and takes time to answer my questions and explain in laymen's terms that I can understand.”
ES2’s NEBB certified test and balance technicians have also balanced the HVAC in many of the Cleveland Public Schools buildings, including the High School, Middle School, Intermediate School, Bus Barn, and Vo-Ag Building. We also performed a pre-read analysis on the Events Center to identify energy savings opportunities.
Finally, a licensed unlimited journeyman on ES2’s mechanical service team has performed service calls as needed. For example, we performed preventative maintenance on the chiller and during that maintenance diagnosed and completed necessary repairs.
We appreciate the opportunity to support Cleveland Public Schools and many other school districts in providing their students and teachers a comfortable learning environment. Call ES2 today to find out how we can support your school or building.
Contact our knowledgeable team members to find out more about our services.
(405) 233-3127
#ES2 #PublicSchools #BAS #TAB #Tulsa #BuildingAutomationSystems #HVAC #EngineeredSystemsEnergySolutions #Oklahoma #MECH